12th Edition, 21 June 2025

Roșia Montană Marathon Regulation

Roșia Montană Marathon was created from the desire to share our love for nature and the environment, for sports, for a healthy life and, at the same time, for the creation of a spiritually fulfilling, equitable and sustainable world.

In 2025, the marathon is at its 12th edition and is dedicated also to our great Olympic champion Constantina Diță, who in 2008, in Beijing, won for Romania the first gold medal in the marathon.

The purpose of the marathon is to promote outdoor running and a healthy lifestyle, while promoting among competitors and their supporters the beauties, traditions and history of the Rosia Montana tourist area and its surroundings.


The Rosia Montana Marathon event is organized by the Pachamama Romania Association and takes place on June 21, 2025 in Rosia Montana, Apuseni Mountains. Part of the route will take place on county road 742, Alba County.

Participants in the Competition are required to comply with the terms and conditions of these Official Competition Rules (hereinafter referred to as the “Official Rules”).

The Official Rules are drawn up and will be made public according to the applicable legislation in Romania, being available free of charge to any applicant on the website www.rosiamontanamarathon.ro and at the venue of the Competition.

By participating in this Competition, the competitors agree to abide by and comply with all the provisions, terms and conditions of these Official Regulations and the applicable legislation in force and to sign the affidavit made available by the Organizers at the time of registration, as well as on the day of the competition, at the time of validation of the registration.



– Marathon: 42.16 km

– Half Marathon: 25.2 km

– Popular Race: 10 km

– Children’s Race 

  • 5-6 years Family: 700 m (must run with parent(s)/guardian)
  • 7-8 years: 700 m
  • 9-10 years: 7000 m
  • 11-12 years: 1.3 km
  • 13-14 years: 2.3 km
  • 15-16 years: 2.3 km

– The Hiking of Interconnectivity

Categories: Male and Female.

Maximum number of participants: 500.

Time Limits

  • Marathon: 8 hours;
  • Half Marathon: 5 hours;
  • 10 km race: 2 hours.


The competition will take place on Saturday, June 21, 2025, in Rosia Montana.

The start of the Marathon (42.16 km) and Half Marathon (25.2 km) will be given at 7:30, at the 10 km Race at 7:45, and the Hiking of Interconnectivity will start at 8:00, all from the Central Square.

The competition will end in the same place at 15:30.

The children’s race will take place on the same day starting at 15:30.

From  17:00 there will be a Folk Music Concert.

The award ceremony will take place at 17:30.

Competitors must be present in the start area on June 21, 2025, at 07.00, in the Central Square, where the last details related to the races will be made.


The competition will take place in the Rosia Montana area on a route marked by the organizers.


The registrations for these three tests are made on the website or in the Historical Center of Rosia Montana, at the Cultural Center, Friday, June 20, 2025, between 16:00 – 24:00.

The contest kit is picked up on Friday, June 20, 2025, between 16:00-22:00, and Saturday, June 21, 2025, between 6:00-7:00,  from the Cultural Center in the Historic Center of Rosia Montana.


Registrations for the Children’s Race are made on the website or in the Historic Center of Roșia Montană at the Cultural Center on Friday, June 20, 2025, starting at 16:00, until Saturday, June 21, 2025, at 15:00.

The contest kit is collected in the same intervals from the Cultural Center in the Historic Center of Rosia Montana.

In order to pick up the contest kit, it is necessary to submit the affidavit signed by one of the parents/guardian/legal representative. This can be completed on site or downloaded from the website: www.rosiamontanamarathon.ro/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/maratonul-rosia-montana-2024-Blank.pdf

4. ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONS (during the competition)

The organization of the event is the responsibility of Pachamama Romania Association.

During competitive trials, in the Start/Arrival area, there will be revitalization points where competitors can nurture themselves with still water, natural juices, isotonic drink, fruit, etc.

During the competition, participants cannot leave the running route or change it, by shortening or choosing alternative routes. Participants who give up the race during the run will be picked up by the organizers and taken to the checkpoints, where the route referees will record their abandonment.

The competition will benefit from the presence of an ambulance.

Probable temperature: 15 – 30°C. It is mandatory to use appropriate equipment to run at the temperature and weather conditions specific to the competition period.


Conditions to be met by competitors to participate in the competition:

– for the Marathon (42.16 km) and Half Marathon (25.2 km), to be at least 18 years old on 21.06.2025 at the latest.

– for the 10 km Cross Race must be at least 16 years old at the latest on 21.06.2025.

– to have an original identity document.

– to agree to participate on their own risk, the organizing association not being liable for any accidents or other damages suffered by the runner as a result of participating in this competition.

NOTE: The confirmation of participation in the race and the collection of the competition number is made on Friday, 20.06.2025, between 16:00 – 22:00, and Saturday, 21.06.2025, 6:00-7:00, at the Rosia Montana Cultural Centre.

In order to respect and honor our relationship with Nature, we ask you the following:

  • Have a personal bottle for hydration ;
  • Leave the packaging from the products you consume on the route at the checkpoints;
  • Use a buff as a protection measure instead of a mask
  • Put the waste by categories in the bags that will be arranged at the Start – Arrival point.


Recommended equipment:

– trail shoes

– a technical T-shirt

– cap 

– gore-tex jacket or something similar windproof

mandatory personal water bottle – DISPOSABLE CUPS WILL NOT BE USED (the only way to rehydrate is by filling them at the checkpoints)

– ski or trekking poles

– sunglasses with UV protection


– 0.33/0 .5L canister full of liquid at start;

– food (two sticks or gels at start);

– backpack or fanny pack;

– cap;

– number.

The personal belongings of the participants may be stored in the start area, Central Square, after 07.00, by the care of the organizers. They can be picked up after arrival, based on the competition number.

CAUTION! We recommend that you do not leave valuables in personal belongings storage bags.


The timing will be done by time-it.ro. Additional checkpoints will be placed along the route, without being signaled. Runners who do not pass through the checkpoints will be automatically disqualified. Each runner is responsible for their own safety. We recommend running in the column, on the right side of the road. It is the responsibility of each participant to wear the contest number, it is strictly forbidden to modify it. Competition participants with missing or changed competition numbers will be disqualified.


The official leaderboard will be available immediately after the race on www.rosiamontanamarathon.ro.

Open and age rankings will be drawn up. Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 finishers in the men’s/women’s open and the top three finishers in each age category.

Those who complete the race tour will receive the Roșia Montană Marathon medal.

The diplomas can be downloaded from the website www.rosiamontanamarathon.ro.

Points for the Carpathian Circuit will be awarded according to the OPEN rankings, men’s and women’s.


– Marathon: Ron 180 (contest KIT included, without T-shirt);

– Half-marathon: Ron 150 (contest KIT included, without T-shirt);

– 10 km Race: Ron 130; (contest KIT included, without T-shirt)

Interconnectivity Hiking: Ron 80.

Children’s Race – FREE OF CHARGE

Enrollment thresholds:

1. February 7 – March 9, 2025

Marathon: Ron 130

Half-marathon: Ron 110  

Cross: Ron 100  

Interconnectivity Hiking: Ron 60

2. 10 March – 11 May 2025

Marathon: Ron 160

Half-marathon: Ron 130

Cross: Ron 110

Interconnectivity hiking: Ron 70

3. 12 May – 8 June 2025

Marathon: Ron 180

Half-marathon: Ron 150

Cross: Ron 130

Interconnectivity Hiking: Ron 80.

Deadline for online registrations: June 8, 2025

Payment methods:

– by bank transfer to the account of Pachamama Romania Association: Account RO85 PIRB 4236 7320 8900 1000, opened at PIRAEUS BANK, Bucharest, beneficiary PACHAMAMA ROMANIA ASSOCIATION

– by bank card, the processing of secure payments is done by MobilPay, Netopia Srl on the website www.rosiamontanamarathon.ro/inscrieri/.

The competition kit contains: products from sponsors, competition number, declaration of participation, pasta party coupon, leaflets provided by organizers and sponsors. The finisher medal is awarded at the end of the competition at the finish line. Runners enrolled are also invited to the Pasta Party after the end of the race. Gravity short sleeve technical t-shirt can be ordered separately.

On-site registration does not guarantee obtaining a complete kit (without technical T-shirt).

The payment of the online registration will be made until June 8, 2025.


Registrations are made by accessing www.rosiamontanamarathon.ro/inscrieri until June 8, 2025 online and on 20 and 21 June 2025 on the spot, but for those registered after 8 June we no longer guarantee the T-shirt.

The on-site fee is Ron 180 for the Marathon, Ron 150 for the Half Marathon, Ron 130 for the Cross and Ron 80 for the Interconnectivity Hike.

Those who want to change the race they signed up for will pay a fee of Ron 35.


The organizers also undertake to comply with the provisions of Law no. 677/2001 on the protection of personal data.

As such, the organizers undertake to maintain the confidentiality of the personal data of the participants/winners in this Competition and to use them in accordance with these Official Regulations, the participants’ self-declaration and the legislation in force.

Competitors are forbidden to throw any debris, garbage in the competition area under the sanction of disqualification from the competition. They will be able to use either the garbage bins located in the localities on the route, or the household bags provided by the organizers in the start/arrival and hydration areas. At the end of the event, the organizers will ensure the disposal of the waste and its storage in the specially designated areas.

They also reserve the right to amend these Rules until the date of the start of the competition, with the obligation to announce the changes on the site and at the place of the competition.


The competitions in the Carpathian Circuit take place in some of the most beautiful mountainous regions in Romania. Leaving debris, packaging, equipment along the routes and/or deliberate destruction of the environment will result in disqualification and prohibition to participate in the Rosia Montana Marathon in the future.

Access to the competition area:

– With public transport from several directions:

  • Bucharest – Pitesti – Sibiu – Sebes – Alba-Iulia – Gura Roșiei – Roșia Montană;
  • Brașov – Sibiu – Sebeș – Alba-Iulia – Gura Roșiei – Roșia Montană;
  • Cluj-Napoca – Turda – Câmpeni – Gura Roșiei – Roșia Montană.

– By personal property vehicles: like the routes above.

– By train, from any direction, to Alba Iulia, and from there by another means of public transport in direction Abrud – Gura Roșiei.

Initiative and Organizing Committee:


Gabriela Hodor tel: +40 763 140 726, contact@rosiamontanamarathon.ro



Marius Junoiu, tel: +40 770 949 703

Our regulation is complemented by that of the MPC –www.carpathianman.ro/documents/MPC/2017/mpc-reg%202018.ro_CC.pdf and the Carpathian Circuit – www.circuitulcarpatilor.org/regulament.html, these two being a priority.