Pachamama Romania, the organizing body behind the Rosia Montana Marathon, provides you with a chance to make a difference by engaging in various projects that might align with what you’ve been seeking for a while.
How to bring your passions to the community and take concrete actions?
The main project you can get involved in is Roșia Montană Marathon, a project through which we want to help the sustainable development of this historic town in the heart of the Apuseni Mountains.
You can come here with your friends to the marathon, as tourists, enjoying guided tours, or as participants in actions to support the Roșia Montană Secondary School. The next action will be in early May for the traditional pre-marathon greening.
For this action you can also donate to the Pachamama Romania Association account: RO85 PIRB 4236 7320 8900 1000.
Also, in Roșia Montană you can get involved in the Adopt a House project, which refurbishes heritage houses every summer.
On the educational side, you can sign up for free for Pachamama Alliance online courses: Community Climate Action, Game Changer Intensive or Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium. More details on these can be found on the following link:
Another way to take action is to sign the Rights of Nature petition.
The Rights of Nature is a legislative project to recognize Nature as a Living Being with legal rights, just like humans have.
There is a Global Petition that you can sign and distribute to your friends and family. You can access it at this link:
As Roșia Montană is the place of rebirth of ecological consciousness in Romania, we have created with the help of Eugen Cadaru, lawyer and writer, and Mari Margil, lawyer from the United States, a draft law on the Rights of the Roșia Montană Ecosystem.
With its adoption, the Rosia Montana Ecosystem will be recognized as a living entity with legal rights, such as the right to exist, flourish, regenerate and evolve naturally.
So, we welcome you to join us to bring your passions to the community and become an Agent of Change!